4 Signs You Need to Replace Your Wooden Fence
A well-maintained high-quality wooden fence can endure up to 20 years. However, most fences aren’t built entirely of treated timber, thus this is the exception rather than the rule. Your fence, like anything else, will eventually wear out and need to be replaced. This is more likely to be around the ten-year mark for most fences. How will you know when it’s time, though? What indications should you be on the lookout for?
Here are some telltale indicators that it’s time to replace your fence instead of attempting to repair it:
It Is Slanting
Have you noticed that your fence is starting to tilt in certain places? This isn’t a problem that can be solved by just straightening the fence. Not only that, but it’s frequently a sign of a more significant problem with your fence. Your fence may eventually tumble down if it is not repaired. It’s possible that one of your fence posts has been broken if you notice your fence is starting to droop in certain places. If it’s only in one location, you might be able to simply change the offending post and be OK. However, if you see your fence tilting or sagging in many places, it might be an indication that it’s beyond its prime and needs to be replaced.
You’ve Discovered Decay
One of the reasons your fence posts are rotting and your fence is beginning to tilt might be rot. If you discover yellow or grey spots on your fence, it’s possible that the wood is rotting or possibly growing mold. Of course, if the problem is limited to a few boards, you may replace them yourself. To make them survive longer, you may even replace them with treated timber. Unfortunately, if you live in a location with a lot of rain, you will be more vulnerable to this issue. What happens when a few boards grow into a full-fledged fence?
Boards That Are Split or Missing
One board that has split or is missing can be replaced. It’s time to start afresh because there are a lot of split and missing boards. After years of exposure to the sun and weather, even the greatest wood tends to fracture and break. Another cause is the freeze-thaw cycle, which consistently destroys perfectly excellent boards. Split, warped boards look bad on your fence, not only detracting from its appearance but also causing structural issues.
Repairs Are Very Expensive
What is the most important element in determining when you should replace your fence? It is more cost effective to replace rather than repair. Estimate the cost of repairs if you can, and decide whether you’re willing to put that much money into your fence. At some point, it’s better to spend a little more money on a new fence that will last many more years than it is to spend a lot of money on a fence that won’t last more than a year or two anyhow.
Replacing a wooden fence is an investment in the visual appeal of your home as well as your security and privacy. It’s advisable to update your wooden fence every 10 years or so as a property owner. Straight Line Fence provides skilled services at reasonable prices, whether you want maintenance or repairs.